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Welcome from the Head Teacher

I am delighted to welcome you to Telscombe Cliffs Academy. After being Deputy Headteacher here for six years, I am both thrilled and honoured to now be Head Teacher.

After a positive first year in post (2023-24), I am excited to be continuing this journey, striving to achieve excellence for our deserving children.

As someone who has lived in the local area for many years, I have first-hand experience of what a special community Telscombe Cliffs is. This extends to our academy, where the staff cares for and supports one another, modelling this to the children.

In February 2022, we became part of STEP Academy Trust, a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) with 12 schools in London and a further 8 in East Sussex. STEP Academy Trust is one of the highest-performing MATs in the country, with a heavy emphasis on research-informed teaching practice. July 2024, saw the best collective Key Stage 2 outcomes in the Trust's history to further cement its status as one of the highest-performing Trusts in the country. This was complemented by five Outstanding Ofsted judgements (in all areas) during the 2023-24 academic year.

In July 2024, our Key Stage 2 SAT results were in line with national averages for the second successive year. Our statutory outcomes in Early Years, Key Stage 1 Phonics and Year 4 Multiplication Tables Checks were all above national averages. This is because we offer our children a first-class education based on a broad, balanced, ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum with our staff regularly receiving high-quality CPD to support them to deliver this.

At Telscombe Cliffs Academy, we are passionate about ensuring that every child has a rich experience where they can thrive. We place huge importance on our PUPAC values – Passion, Urgency, Positivity, Aspiration and Commitment – and children receive certificates based on these in our Friday celebration assembly. The children are polite, kind and hard-working, and we are also so proud to see how ready our Year 6s are in July as they move on to their secondary education.

Our curriculum offer includes outdoor learning experiences, extra-curricular trips, learning to play a musical instrument, year group performances, a variety of after-school clubs, and debating and sporting competitions. All of our newsletters for the 2023-24 academic year have been uploaded to the website to give you a good flavour of this.

For children to maximise their potential, we know how important the partnership is with parents and carers, which includes regular reading opportunities, weekly home learning and the chance to complete creative projects.

I invite you to come to see our fantastic school for yourself, where you will receive a guided tour from me or one of my colleagues in the leadership team. Whilst our website is full of information, if there is anything you would like to know, but cannot find, please contact the school office, who will be on hand to help.


Warmest regards,

Peter Ediss
Head Teacher

Celebrating success

Phonics 2024
National 79% (2023)
Multiplication Check
Out of 25
20.2 National (2023)
National 29% (2023)
Key Stage 2
60% National (2023)
73% National (2023)
73% National (2023)
71% National (2023)
Our students live the STEP values

Our values in action

Our students live the STEP values

Passion - Urgency - Positivity - Aspiration - Commitment to Anti-Racism